Los 11 primeros testimonios están en español y el resto en inglés.
“Encarecidamente, recomiendo a Luz Elena a cualquier persona que busca niveles profundos de apoyo a la identidad y que está lista para un cambio importante!”
“Siempre he sido una persona muy sensible, lo que es fundamental para mi éxito en el trabajo, sin embargo, la sensibilidad estaba interfiriendo en gran medida con mi vida personal. Durante nuestra conversación inicial, Luz Elena notó esta ‘creencia’ que tenía sobre mi incapacidad de controlar mi sensibilidad. en la primera sesión, ¡pude controlar fácilmente cuándo usar este super-poder y cuándo elegir estar bien protegido y a salvo de las emociones y pensamientos de otras personas!”
“¡Cada sesión ha sido un gran regalo! Luz Elena es una experta en saber exactamente lo que necesito en cada sesión y cuidadosamente me abre a nuevos lugares dentro de mí, donde transformo los desafíos en gemas útiles.”
“La cantidad de curación ultra-rápida que tiene lugar es asombrosa. El cuidado, la sensibilidad y el enfoque dedicados a cada sesión realmente es lo que destaca a este trabajo de otros que he experimentado. Le recomiendo este trabajo si está preparado para evolucionar más allá de lo que comprende actualmente.”
“Luz Elena ha tenido un enorme impacto en mi vida, abriendo canales a intuición, canalización y curación. Ella ha apoyado la profundización de mi conexión con el propósito, la naturaleza, la creatividad y el misterio.”
“Si está buscando avances a nivel emocional/espiritual o está listo para cambiar viejas creencias/patrones que lo están frenando, ¡le recomiendo el enfoque transformador de Luz Elena!”
Esta es mi maestra de PNL, hipnosis y métodos de sanar a través del tiempo. Se llama Jenna Knapp, y estoy profundamente agradecida por ella. Nosotras trabajamos juntas ahora.
“La semana pasada tuve una sesión con Luz Elena sobre el tema de atraer clientes para la próxima temporada. Hacia tiempo no que había estado en la energía de tener más espacio abierto en mi horario. Durante nuestros 90 minutos juntas, Luz Elena me guió con una técnica de escaneo corporal que me permitió acceder a las energías subconscientes y profundas que yo estaba reteniendo. Fácilmente y rápidamente, viendo mis deseos desde este lugar me permitió darme cuenta que lo único que realmente necesitaba HACER era simplemente ESTAR conmigo misma. Para permitir el descanso. Para dejar fluir la energía. Para escuchar a mi cuerpo. Después de nuestra sesión, se desarrolló mi día de manera muy diferente: tomando descansos, comiendo mejor, sentándome en el patio, saliendo a caminar, etc. También liberé la necesidad de lograr TODOS mis quehaceres (que es raro). Simplemente me convertí en alguien que podía descansar fuera de dormir; y en ese descanso, apareció la magia. ¡Dentro de las 24 horas de nuestra sesión, le di la bienvenida a un nuevo cliente del ‘Breakthrough Day.’ La persona estaba tan emocionada de registrarse y pagó por completo! Estoy muy agradecida por la manera natural de Luz Elena, por su intuición, su apoyo y su sabiduría. ¡La recomiendo encarecidamente a cualquier persona que busca niveles profundos de apoyo a la identidad y que está lista para un cambio importante!”
“Luz Elena es al mismo tiempo sólida y expansiva, humilde y sabia. Trabajar con ella es como caminar entre mundos. Ella aporta todo su ser al proceso de curación, creando un espacio seguro para viajar hacia la propia integridad. Llámelo terapia, o llámelo práctica espiritual, es ambas cosas.”
“Llevo 11 años trabajando y aprendiendo de Luz Elena. Confío en Luz Elena y me encanta trabajar con ella porque tiene una gran cantidad de habilidades y modalidades en su caja de herramientas con las que puedo responder a mi realidad y necesidades actuales. También me encanta trabajar con Luz Elena porque tiene una manera de decir ‘SÍ’ a verdades aparentemente contradictorias; esto me ha enseñado a tener compasión de mi propia complejidad ya tener paciencia con mis enredos internos. Luz Elena ha sido clave en mi aprendizaje para abordar el ‘vivir’ como un proceso de evolución encarnada, en el desarrollo de herramientas para convertirme en un agente activo en mi propia curación y transformación, y en la expansión de mi capacidad para mantener un espacio sagrado y facilitar la investigación somática para los demás. ¡Ella es una luz brillante y estoy muy agradecida de tenerla en mi vida!”
“Antes de trabajar con Luz Elena, estaba tomando conciencia de problemas de confianza en mi cuerpo y una serie de problemas que los sentía como una tormenta, incluyendo la ansiedad crónica y un deseo de sentirme más segura.
Estaba en una reunión de zoom donde Luz Elena compartió sus ideas de una manera creativa, tranquila y perspicaz. Me sentí impulsado a acercarme a ella.
Tenía miedo de lo que surgiría en nuestras sesiones, y de que no sería capaz de manejar el desenmarañamiento que sentía en mi diálogo interno y acerca de las creencias negativas que tenía.
En nuestra primera sesión, establecimos fácilmente los avances que yo quería hacer en nuestros trabajos juntas. Una sensación abrumadora de cuidado, seguridad y protección desde adentro llegó rápidamente en las dos primeras sesiones.
Luego pudimos profundizar en temas más generalizados de los que no estaba originalmente consciente.
Ahora, mi ansiedad crónica ha sido eliminada. Estoy viviendo la vida que he leído en los libros. Me alejo con total confianza en mi cuerpo, puedo alimentar mi propio cuerpo con amabilidad y nutrición, y ahora me cuido primero a mí misma, escucho y atiendo las necesidades de mi cuerpo, y priorizo el descanso y la recuperación. Estoy meditando más y viviendo una vida que se siente lujosa. Nuestras interacciones amables, pacientes, solidarias, alegres y poéticas me llevaron a un lugar de confianza profunda en yo misma, donde viven los milagros.
Estoy asombrada y recomiendo mucho al trabajo de Luz Elena.”
Esta es la brilliante, KP Kaszubowski, escritora, profesora, cineasta y entrenadora.
“Trabajando con Luz Elena, descubrí que escuchar a mi propia verdad interior puede llevarme a perspectivas muy bienvenidas y a un sentimiento más fuerte de conexión con la tierra y el equilibrio.
Antes de empezar, mi vida estaba un poco estancada. ¡Los desafíos aparentemente interminables de permanecer atascada y los bucles demasiado familiares en mi cabeza me impedían vivir mi vida auténtica!
Soy un gran creyente en cavar profundo y mirar hacia adentro. Entonces, cuando una amiga me recomendó trabajar con Luz Elena, bueno, ¡era la señal que necesitaba!
Estoy muy agradecida por la sabiduría y la experiencia de Luz Elena. Es una entrenadora maravillosa. Gentil y amable, ella escucha con atención porque realmente a ella le importa.
Ahora, tengo una perspectiva diferente y fresca sobre como pienso y tomo decisiones. Ahora mi vida es más fácil. ¡Confío mucho más en yo misma y es más fácil reconocer viejos patrones y saber manejarlos!
Los ‘enfoques de casa’ (tareas) que tuve entre citas fueron una bonificación adicional. Me llevaron más allá de las conversaciones que Luz Elena y yo compartimos, y realmente me ayudaron a mirarme bien a mí misma de una manera que no había hecho antes, mostrándome que ser honesta conmigo misma puede conducir a revelaciones y descubrimientos muy afirmativos. ¡Aprendí mucho y ahora tengo más herramientas geniales a las que puedo volver cuando necesito un recordatorio/actualización!
¡Me encantó cada minuto de nuestro tiempo juntos y recomiendo mucho su trabajo!”
“Overall, my sessions with Luz Elena felt like cleaning years of grime from the windows of my soul so that I can live fully and freely.
When I met Luz Elena at the end of 2021, over the phone, I was face to face with self doubt, impostor syndrome, and a slew of other fears. I was finishing up a relationship coach certification program and recognized a destructive pattern forming.
I had already been certified as a life coach in 2014 and failed to do anything with it, and I didn’t want to fall subject to limiting beliefs again.
Because of the uncertain economy and my fragile financial situation, I worried I didn’t have the means to afford Luz Elena’s service. After explaining what I could invest, we easily found the way and began.
A few key takeaways (although there were more): 1) I was encouraged and held accountable to establish a solid and grounding daily meditation practice that I created, myself 2) I released some ancient and inhibiting emotions, which then effortlessly transformed many painful situations into opportunities for loving myself more and helping me see and take charge for what I have control of in my life.
I recommend Luz Elena to anyone looking for a life and success coach, especially if they are struggling with trusting themselves and/or are stuck in a rut. I make the recommendation because Luz Elena has a depth of experience and knowledge, listens acutely, and personalizes each session to the individual’s needs, and offers insights that feel magical and deeply connected.
Luz Elena has helped me see doors of possibility and now I feel like I can trust myself to walk through doors that beautifully and naturally align with my soul.”
“Before my session with Luz Elena, I’d been stuck in a place of inaction. I knew I wanted to publicly reveal a great program I’d created, but I was feeling a block around developing and sharing promotional content.
Luz Elena guided me through a beautiful meditation where I was able to realize that I was afraid to prioritize the feelings and sensations I received and show up fully as my true self.
This fear of truly validating my experience was keeping me from showing up fully in my business.
Then, Luz Elena took me on a journey into the future where I was discussing the successful outcome of my program. She asked me all kinds of thought provoking questions that helped me anchor into my purpose.
Luz Elena gave me the opportunity to demonstrate to myself that I was clear on my vision for the program and confident that it would be successful, I just needed to trust myself enough to take action.
After my session with Luz Elena I feel so aligned with my purpose, clear on my vision, and motivated to take action towards that vision!
I am so grateful to Luz Elena for holding this sacred space for me and showing me that I am ready to seize this moment and follow my dreams!”
“I found my session with Luz Elena helpful in quickly moving past emotional blocks. The session was dynamic, and she used a number of therapies, including tapping and essential oil support, to to add depth to the work.”
“Through Inner Wisdom Coaching, I found that listening to my own inner truth can lead me to much welcomed perspectives and a stronger feeling of groundedness and balance.
Before starting, my life was a little stalled, stagnant; same-old same-old. The seemingly endless challenges of ‘staying stuck’ and the all too familiar loops in my head were preventing me from living my authentic life!
I’m a big believer in digging deep and looking inward, and I always know when it’s time for a ‘tune-up’. So when a friend recommended Inner Wisdom Coaching, well, it was the sign I needed!
A wonderful coach, I am so grateful for Luz Elena’s wisdom and experience. Gentle and kind, she listens with intent because she truly cares.
Now, I’ve gained a different, fresh perspective on the way I think and make decisions. It’s easier now. I trust myself much more and I’m much better at recognizing old patterns and knowing how to manage them!
The Home Focus assignments were an extra bonus. They brought me beyond the conversations Luz Elena and I shared, and really helped me to take a good look at myself in a way that I haven’t done before, showing me that being honest with myself can lead to some very affirming and eye-opening revelations & discoveries. I learned a lot and now have more great tools that I can go back to when a reminder/refresher is needed!!
I loved every minute of our time together and highly recommend her work!”
“Before participating in Inner Wisdom Coaching, my life was, for the most part, alright. However, I lacked confidence and my self-love meter was very low. I relied on others to tell me how good of a person I am, and how much cool stuff I have done with my life despite some challenges. I could not easily reach inside myself for the self-love and radical acceptance of myself that I needed.Now, I walk down the street with my chin up, feeling just so good and comfortable in my own skin, exuding a confidence that is noticeable. This new confidence has also helped me realize that “I am enough” and that I can go at life at my own pace, whatever that is. I feel that I am now very capable of finding the self-love and acceptance I need inside myself and I am ready to take on my forties with wisdom and grace.
The Inner Wisdom phone sessions were comfortable, supportive and stress-free.
I appreciated the techniques that had me time travel back in my mind to events that illustrated old beliefs I no longer wanted. Luz Elena encouraged me to work with the scenes as if I were the director of a movie. “Is the scene fast or slow? Close up or far away? Vivid or fuzzy,” etc…. Somehow, these Neurolinguistic Programming techniques allowed my imagination to help me release disempowering old beliefs and install beliefs I want and know to be true.”
“Before participating in Inner Wisdom Coaching, I’d been trying to get my own business started and had not been able to make much progress despite having plenty of skill and potential. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a new modality and was heartened by the efficiency of each session and how deep changes occurred so quickly, including the release of old beliefs!
I felt seen, supported and encouraged by Luz Elena.
It’s been months since I did the work with Luz Elena and I have been able to move forward in my growth and my work in a more empowered and conscious way! I have internalized the truths we fortified during the sessions and these truths inform my approach to my own self worth and my business.
I highly recommend this work, especially for those already on their journey of self growth and envisioning their highest selves.”
“For many years now I have been dedicating much of my time and energy to understanding the how and why of my illness and what is necessary for me to experience healing.
Being an experienced healer and a deeply loving person, Luz Elena employed her profound capacity for empathy to guide me through two NLP sessions. Only through this work have I been able to discover and see very clearly the things that were still blocking my way to inner and outer healing, so that I may now let go of what has been holding me back.
I am indescribably grateful for Luz Elena’s guidance and for the vortex of healing realizations that working with her has created inside of me.”
“Before Inner Wisdom coaching, I doubted myself and was unsure why my soul service based businesses were not working as optimally as I wanted. I was living in an unstable place and lacked money. I had fears about joining this coaching program because I didn’t have the money at the time. Still, I jumped into the BE BRIGHT NOW program.
Every session has been a massive gift! Luz Elena is an expert at knowing just what I need every session and carefully cracks me open to new places inside me, where I transform challenges into helpful gems. I have gotten to unlock and heal lifetimes of pain, fear, suffering, and negative emotions that had held me back.
Now I have more tools to bring me back to a centered, trusting, safe space. I am now living in deeper confidence, gratitude, love, trust and I am living my Inner Goddess, next level self.
And, I now live in an amazing place, with amazing friends and I experience abundant blessings in my life.
I fully recommend this work!”
“Before my Inner Wisdom Coaching session, I’d been wrestling with a big life decision for several years. I knew what I wanted, in my heart, but doubts kept creeping in.
Through Luz Elena’s spectacular listening skills, she helped me uncover the true root of my uncertainty. I would have never come to that conclusion without her help.
It all makes so much more sense now. And I get to breathe. I get to feel excited for the future to come in that area of life.
I 100% recommend working with Luz Elena. Whatever is on your mind, she can help you gain clarity, direction, and peace.”
“Before working with Luz Elena, I had lost my job due to Covid. I felt that I couldn’t find a way forward between health issues and a lack of clarity.
Luz Elena, suggested that her Inner Wisdom coaching would be helpful. I was doubtful, but it was so easy to talk to her and she had a clarity I was lacking, so I went ahead and tried a few sessions.
The visualizations, guided meditations and NLP sessions helped me connect with my own guidance. I was able to see back into areas of my life that were blocking me. The work has helped me to take positive steps with more assurity as to my true path, and now I can more easily close off the negative feelings and emotions that had been in my way, that were not even mine. Luz Elena is a wonderful guide, and I recommend her to anyone wanting healing on any level.”
“Prior to this work, I’d begun to explore using my artistic skills to create a viable career. However, I was feeling confused, lost, hopeless and controlled by intangible, painful experiences from my past. I had just moved and lacked a permanent residence. I was unemployed and was also in the midst of acclimating to my first year without psychiatric medication in over 15 years.
I was excited to begin this Inner Wisdom work, as I’d hit a wall using other methods, and I’m so glad I followed this excitement!
Since working with Luz Elena’s Inner Wisdom Coaching, my creative career has taken shape and has kept me incredibly busy and financially stable. I’ve gained a level of fearlessness and hope I had never thought possible. I’ve also gained a lot of personal insight and understanding as to how to interact with my unconscious mind. I have a stronger comprehension about how symbols that naturally present themselves in my artwork and life correspond with how I am manifesting the fullness of the life I feel I’m meant to live.”
“Luz Elena is at the same time grounded and expansive, humble and wise. Working with her is like walking between worlds... She brings her whole self to the healing process, creating a safe space to journey toward one’s own wholeness. Call it therapy, or call it spiritual practice - it is both.”
“Before participating in Inner Wisdom Coaching my life was good. I was a student in a life coaching program and was doing great work with my clients, but, for years, I’d had limiting beliefs that created anxieties for me. I’d had not yet gotten over these beliefs though I’d worked with several coaches. I wanted to enjoy life more easily. I was also in a place of uncertainty in my career/education and needed support/structure.
During my work with Luz Elena I got clarity and structure around bringing my coaching skills into fruition. Luz Elena really helped me find my strengths and inner wisdom, work through my fears, and gain more clarity and confidence.
I let go of those limiting beliefs, created new beliefs, and created more ease in my life.
Luz Elena was very good at helping me create a tool kit of all the things that support me in my daily life, which I will always have, and I got to experience the power of essential oils and will continue to use them.
What really stood out to me about this coaching is Luz Elena‘s kind and compassionate self, her ability to really listen and understand, her deep commitment to her clients having change, her belief in her work, and her ability to focus deep when working with her clients.
I totally recommend Inner Wisdom Coaching!”
“All my life, I had the belief I was a very sensitive person. I did not know if was a belief. I knew this deep, powerful sensitivity as ‘fact,’ and knew I had it at all times. This sensitivity is core to my success at work.
Being a healer, myself, open to new ways, and having heard great praise about Luz Elena’s work, I set up an appointment!
Luz Elena fished this belief out of our initial conversation and in one session, I became able to easily control when to use this super power, and when to choose to be well-shielded and safe from other people’s emotions and thoughts.
I would never have considered this a possibility before working with Luz Elena, and am so grateful for this new freedom!”
“I am utterly amazed ... I have, without a doubt, a different perspective about my relationship with my former boss. It has shifted/transformed my inner world allowing room for self-forgiveness.”
“I feel very grateful for the time and energy Luz Elena took to truly hear me about my current struggles and challenges with trauma, so triggered during these challenging times. She gave me some new insights and tools that I will continue to explore and practice. The breakthroughs I had in the weeks following our session are mainly in regards to my writing. I’ve re-recommitted to it and given it more priority in my life! I had often felt guilty focusing on my own needs and following what I know is one of my true callings: writing.”
“I now have a wiser, more loving, trusting and intuitive inner leader to unite with my long term teaching skills and tricks for energy raising and focus.”
“Thank you. Wonderful. Whatever has been going on in my left hip/lower back area is so much better. It’s been 2-3 years of discomfort I’ve been trying to figure out. Miraculous.”
“Luz Elena very respectfully encouraged my inner emotional journey and gently helped to facilitate an amazingly powerful energetic release that is truly indescribable. It has been a privilege to have her as my guide and teacher.”
“When I moved away from Southern Vermont, Luz Elena agreed to offer phone sessions for me. In the past, I’d done much better with in-person work, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that the magical healing experience continued and was just as enjoyable via telephone.”
“Luz Elena provided a leadership and control that gave me helpful answers and results. This type of directness and effectiveness is very uncommon in my experience.”
“To explore my inner realm with Luz Elena was such a delicate yet expansive experience. Her ability to hold a space of definitive trust allowed me to go deep into the experience. Her spontaneity in creative exploration provided me with a platform to embody this process in a way that cannot be duplicated through oral or meditative modalities.”
“Joy, bliss, awareness, and a new beginning in the journey of life - the end result of a session with Luz Elena.”
“My session with Luz Elena was phenomenally deep and transformative. She held a powerfully loving, gentle space for me and guided me through a shift that was waiting to happen. She knew exactly what my soul needed to release and helped transform what was no longer serving me. I highly recommend a session with Luz Elena, as she is deeply intuitive, knowledgeable and skilled in the realm of healing and transformation!!!”
“I felt an immediate impact in a short session. It was faster than what I felt in three years of talk therapy.”
“I entered into my session with Luz Elena seeking creative rejuvenation, and this was honored and fully met. She provided a place of refuge, a haven that I have kept within and drawn from weeks following the actual work. Luz Elena provided me with the perfect balance of freedom and structure, allowing me to draw upon my own creativity, supporting me with superb drumming and toning, and making gentle suggestions at crucial moments throughout the session. A wonderful experience!”
If you know ~
~ that you are a creative person and you would like support in finding, clarifying, trusting, empowering, enjoying and celebrating your true shining self, from your soul on out, please contact Luz Elena (pronounced Lu Selaina) for a free exploratory conversation. luzelenamorey@gmail.com or +1 802 451 9495 via WhatsApp