Welcome to INNER WISDOM!
Are you aiming to find effective and fast-moving coaching that will help you experience quantum leaps?
Here it is!
What? Guaranteed? Yes.
Your life is an inside job
willed and filled with miracles
and truly unimagined beautiful possibilities
and you can access the tools and support here, to free your ‘self’ up to be YOU.
Inner Wisdom Coaching is personally tailored to support YOU to
reach YOUR GOALS, EASILY, guaranteed.
Of course, the work helps you release blocks and clarify goals while you’re at it.
LIFE IS AMAZINGLY MAGNIFICENT when consciously aligned with SOURCE:
Inner Wisdom, God, The Universe, Faith, The Divine, LOVE, call it what you will.
All sessions are guaranteed to actualize your stated goals.
Please read TESTIMONIALS, below and here.
What’s the work like? We work via conversations and techniques.
As CLARITY opens
your PATH EASILY appears like
a great BEAUTIFUL surprise
that’s always been communicating
with you from within.
Blocks and trauma symptoms are released, easily,
and your life power is restored.
I LIVE this, day to day, and have overcome hardships for decades.
And if I can create the life I love, so can you.
Initial 30 minute exploratory conversation: free. Email luzelenamorey@gmail.com
Read Testimonials Below and HERE
More about my training and work is here.
Here’s some of my story:
I was born in Barranquilla, Colombia and when I came out into the light, my mother recognized me as a being of Divine Light and named me Luz, Elena, pronounced Lu Selaina, which means Beautiful Light.
As a child, I loved to paint, sing, dance and be in nature. I loved theatre and stories. My mother told me, as a young child, that she recognized I am an artist. She said, being an artist means you are a creative being and you can do whatever you choose to do.
My mother raised me to love people and to appreciate and share my gifts.
As I grew up, there were traumas, more than can be or should be mentioned in a space like this; verbal abuse, mental/psychological abuse, social abuse, economic abuse, and sexual abuse.
In my twenties I found a spiritual guide in Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, a Sufi master who taught us that the human soul is un-tarnishable. How did he know this? He went through hell. And his sister, the spiritual leader of a ancient lineage of Sufi Masters, died in a concentration camp in Germany, her last word being, “Liberté!” These and other role models helped connect me more deeply with service, authenticity, the sanctity of the human spirit and creativity.
Having experienced my own soul and the warmth of kindred community with the Sufis of all religions in Boston, and knowing that the human being is sacred and that our souls are un-tarnishable, I began working with young children at a lovely little Sufi pre-school in Boston. There were Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and agnostics. There was a Native American family and there were families of many other religions, as well as people of many races, cultures and economic perspectives. There were families with two parents and families with one parent. Some families had divorced parents. One family had two mothers and there were many first experiences for me as I was slowly introduced to many lovely children and their diverse families. I found my calling in serving these families with respect and in the presence of what I knew deep inside is an All Loving God.
Raised in a Catholic family, in the 70’s, we were trained to be caring and open in many ways. We had to be. My parents encouraged us to adapt fully to life in Boston, not Colombia. We had to forfeit our Colombian citizenship because of my father’s work. Our hearts grew to be ‘comfortable’ in the extremes we lived in, with most of our family in Colombia, where we would go in the summers, and all of our futures aimed at somehow rooting into the rocky soil of New England, where ‘kind’ yet unconscious passive-aggressive behaviors flowed through the ‘peace-loving’ New Englanders we were surrounded by. In our whole town, we were the only hispanics I knew of. Try as I might to stifle my exuberance and creative expression, like most of my well-behaved peers and neighbors, I found I simply could not control the flow of my spirit, that was fueled by a culture unhindered by the notion of ‘negative’ emotions ‘. We were a loud and emotional bunch of hispanics, especially my mother and I. Our energies flowed out as we expressed our feelings in all sorts of creative ways, which we found no issues with, personally. So, my family was blessed with trauma after trauma from interacting with our ‘kind’ yet highly judgmental New England neighbors.
I know this sounds intense, and believe me, it was no cake-walk for my Colombian family in New England. And, over time, I learned to act just like the ‘kind,’ passive aggressive people who harmed us. Then, over the years, I have been finding my own way of being that is authentic and true to me, to my soul, and to the service work I came to this planet to facilitate. I have learned to appreciate these well-meaning people, many of who could not understand the ways they harmed us even if it were spelled out, kindly, for them, and with great care and academic research to back it up. Ah! Compassion! And Care!
The way I see it now, from my new home in Mexico, It is truly all well and perfect and my story and sufferings have made me be great at what I do now, with you! The most painful and often unknown parts of our lives often turn out to be our greatest gifts and treasures.
So, now, I aim at having respect and compassion, more and more; the respect and compassion I literally did not get growing up.
Our wounds leads us perfectly to our gifts!
As Maya Angelou said,* "You are the sum total of everything you've ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot - it's all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive." Inner Wisdom Coaching helps you do this, easily and pleasurably: see your experiences as positive, your life as a gift, REALLY, and with gratitude that is full of vitality! I’m not saying this to gloss over pain. It’s just that we CAN have lives that are miraculously good, creative, and fulfilling!
Over the decades, I found, studied and trained under the guidance of the very finest teachers, mentors, role-models and guides that I could find from many cultures and perspectives. I was always fascinated with how creative and powerful leaders and teachers from other cultures managed to make it through the challenges of what I will kindly and simply call, here, main stream American culture.
Thanks to my mother, I got to know, in my bones, the value of expansion and the power of flexibility and actual DIVINE LOVE. I also learned self-esteem from my mother, and I would have perished without it.
My father taught me to love being in nature and attune to God in this way. He taught me to believe in myself no matter the opinions of others and the ‘statistics’ printed in newspapers about so-called reality.
So, in New England, I forged on beyond the limits imposed on me by people who told me, directly or, more often than not, in smug smiles and culturally acceptable passive-aggressive language, that I was not acceptable and valuable because of my different ways of feeling, looking and expressing myself.
So, I lived anyway :) I founded and co-founded a couple of schools and many, many programs. I created art centers, nature-connected expressive arts experiences, and camps where young and old could enjoy each other’s company and learn how to better live in communion with each other as well as with the One Divine Source, known throughout the world by different names, and recognized as having different forms and a variety of stories. I created and still create spaces where all emotions are seen as sacred and safe gateways to the wholeness that is who we are: where JOY and PEACE and LOVE, HARMONY and BEAUTY REIGN.
My work helps us all connect more clearly with Source, ourselves, confidence and self-respect, creativity via all forms, each other, a sense of community, the future generations, our ancestors, Nature (which we Are in essence all One with) and many, many more ever-unfolding aspects of what it is to be alive as a mysterious, creative and powerful human being in our times.
I found that waiting around for other people to endorse my value and offer me work was fully not worth it and ultimately disempowering. There were no want-ads looking for me and my gifts. As an intelligent, highly creative, spiritually-oriented powerhouse of a hispanic woman, I absolutely had no choice but to create my own life, fully.
I found that being at the helm of my own ship was mandatory for me to actually live my own life of service in a respectful way.
Now, I see that anyone can do what I did, if they so choose, and anyone can dedicate their life to Service, Love, Creativity and Community, and all the values they cherish.
I choose to work with people who respect themselves and others, and it has been fun and fulfilling working with these ‘blessings’ that I humbly and gratefully call ‘clients.’
Inner Wisdom Coaching is a deeply supportive process, effectively encouraging you to experience more love, harmony, beauty, satisfaction and bliss in your life.
Luz Elena Morey, MA, RDT (pronounced Lu Selaina More ee) specializes in freeing your mind completely so that you may experience physical well-being, clarity of mind, professional satisfaction, creative power, emotional peace and spiritual alignment. (more about Luz Elena Morey is here.)
For faster and fully lasting results, ancient as well as innovative techniques are used. These include modalities from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, TIME Techniques, Transpersonal Developmental Psychology, Strength-based Drama Therapy, TFT, EFT (Tapping), TAT, Dynamind, sound healing, expressive arts therapies, aromatherapy, Qigong and nature-connected energy work.
Luz Elena Morey has over 40 years of experience helping people find their personal connection with Source. No matter your religion, it is your spiritual connection with Source, whatever you call this, that fuels your being. Luz Elena offers private sessions by phone and internet, and presents at professional conferences. She also facilitates tailored group processes and retreat-intensives for leaders, healers, friends, organizations and teachers, both virtually and in person.
Luz Elena is certified as a Life and Success Coach by Mental Wealth Method (2020) with the highest level of competence and skills in the practice of NLP, Hypnosis, TIME Techniques, and EFT.
A member of the North American Drama Therapy Association (NADTA), Luz Elena has a masters degree in Transpersonal Developmental Psychology, over 35 years of training and experience with transpersonal drama therapy and sound healing, and decades of study with healers of many different faiths and traditions from North and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
Luz Elena is the author of the book, Romantic Attraction and the Longing for Bliss: Lust, Love, Obsession and the Quest for Wholeness, a look at romantic attraction from the perspectives of human development, evolution, spirituality, psychologically, biology and culture. It is available through Luz Elena Morey. She has also published a chapter in The Heart and Soul of Psychotherapy (2013), which received a gold seal for literary excellence. Luz Elena has produced several films, including 'The Source' and 'Life, Death, Dreams and Transformation.’
It’s been almost 4 decades and I’m pretty great at what I do. This is why the work carries a 100% money back guarantee if does not fulfill your goals, fully.
By the way, I’ve never been asked for any money back :)
So, contact me if you like. We’ll help you help yourself.
"Dare you have the courage
to be who you really are?"
- Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
For TESTIMONIALS, scroll on down
or CLICK HERE for the most testimonials.
Choose a Program
or Design a Program
Initial 30 minute exploratory conversation: free.
Email luzelenamorey@gmail.com to book one.
The work is guaranteed to help you reach your goals.
The most popular program, BE BRIGHT NOW got its name from my mother, who noticed I was a being of light and named me ‘Luz (pronounced Loos), which means Light! Actually, we are all beings of light.
The ‘NOW’ part if the name comes from the BE HERE NOW perspective that is foundational when aiming to enjoy a solid, wondrous and satisfying life.
This program will help you feel confident in your skin, create your reality FROM THE INSIDE OUT, express yourself easily and with love, be creative in ways that are comfortably YOU, and experience success with heart and soul.
In this program, you:
- Create Three Goals and have them met, guaranteed.
- Learn over 5 empowering DIY techniques that help you align with your inner wisdom, your own sound, look, creativity, etc.
- Master 5 stress-relieving practices that release blocks and get you clear and peaceful, fast.
- Receive 22 hours of personal coaching over 4 -6 months.
- Enjoy at least 10 powerful and lasting breakthroughs
- Relax and be strengthened with 2 personalized hypnosis or guided meditation tracks made specifically to support your mind, emotions, body, spirit and goals.
- one subliminal recording made just for you.
In this BE BRIGHT NOW program, you experience unfathomed freedom and possibilities, easily, and release layers of unconscious thoughts and feelings blocking your shine, so you can effortlessly enjoy your life!
Welcome! This program is beautifully designed to help you see and understand yourself more clearly, embody more of your many strengths easily and at will, and taste what it is to be truly creative.
In this program, you dip in and feel the ecstasy:
- Create Three Goals and have them met, guaranteed.
- Receive at least 4 powerful and lasting breakthroughs
- Learn deeply from 11 hours of powerful, private coaching over the course of one or two months. This includes learning many DIY techniques and stress-relieving exercises that you will love.
- Relax and be empowered with a personal hypnosis recording plus one subliminal recording created exclusively for you!
This course is named SPLASH because it feels like a delightful initiation into your Inner Wisdom Magnificence!
If you aim to use all your resources to do the most good in the world, let’s get to work and go for it for 2 years. We can work over zoom, on the phone, or in person. I will help you align with your own, powerful inner light and you can live a life full of making a massive and positive difference for others while loving your own life, living in balance, and enjoying a life more beautiful than your wildest dreams, while making the contribution you came to the planet to make. I will help you guide yourself to be the most amazing leader and cultural change agent you can imagine. If you would like, some of the hours will be dedicated to co-facilitating soul-liberating, nature-based expressive arts experiences for your clients, as a guest instructor for you, or for guiding and facilitating for you and your team, your friends, and those you love. You will receive all the guaranteed services of the LIVING HIGH program, below, and get much more, tailored to realize your most beautiful personal dreams.
500 hours
You will literally get your life out of this program. This 12 month journey, where I’m at your service all along the way while you lean into your truth and full life force, is guaranteed to shift your whole life for the better, from the inside out, while also helping you serve your clients and loved ones in the fullest way, as you learn new tools and perspectives that are life-enhancing. I’m beside you on the playing field of your life as you clarify your identity, tap into your truth with body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit, and as you face every obstacle with delight and mastery! I coach you privately via phone, texts, zooms, emails and in person, in whatever forms work for you. We work according to your timeline, priorities and agenda. Depending on your mastery at present, I can teach you many new tools for helping yourself and your clients.
This intensive is for you if you are:
- someone committed to living creatively and easily in all ways, relaxed and from your intuition, trusting yourself perfectly and loving your whole life as never dreamed before!
- a leader committed to shifting reality on a cultural scale!
Remember, this work is guaranteed to be effective!
LIVING HIGH got its name from Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, one of my most inspiring teachers, who taught me the importance of FEELING AUTHENTIC & HIGH always, using one’s will to steer one’s life toward love, harmony, beauty and service.
In this program, you:
- Create Five Goals and have them met, guaranteed.
- Experience at least 20 life-enhancing breakthroughs
- Learn over 20 easy & fun awareness enhancers and/or tools that help you and those you work with align with personal and universal wisdom, creativity, and bliss.
You will use these new perspectives, tools and awarenesses daily and constantly, as they are all ancient and natural ways of mastering life via being clearly present and accomplishing ones goals.
THIS PROGRAM FOCUSES not only on helping you evolve, personally, but also on TEACHING YOU many of THE TOOLS I USE SO THAT YOU CAN USE THEM WITH YOUR SELF AND with YOUR CLIENTS.
- Master 10 stress-relieving practices
- Receive 222 hours of coaching. At least 55 (if not all) of the hours being private coaching hours for you. You may share the extra hours with your clients, meaning you may have me facilitate special empowering, enlightening and transformational group sessions for you and your clients and/or your peers, in person or via the internet.
You will gain a heightened sense of mastery in your personal evolution, emotions, finances, relationships, health, spirituality & career.
- Relax and be strengthened with 5 personalized hypnosis, subliminal recordings and/or guided meditation tracks made very specifically for you and for your clients if you like.
- Create at least 5 new, deeply fulfilling personal habits designed by you.
- learn how to understand and more deeply appreciate your unique ways of perceiving and making decisions. Also learn to understand how other people see, hear and feel so you can serve them better.
For those wanting a simpler, more economic way to work together, I recommend this program. I offer you 22 hours of focused work for $2500. You get loads of breakthroughs and DIY techniques so you can shift your perceptive and also your lifestyle toward how your soul really wants to live more freely now - in harmony with your body, emotions and mind! As usual with all Inner Wisdom Programs, it is guaranteed that you will reach your goals. In this work, you create three goals and have them met, guaranteed.
This is another popular way of working! Please speak with Luz Elena about coaching that is very specific to supporting your life.
Speak with Luz Elena about creating a healing intensive for you and/or your group, on site, where you are, or here, in beautiful San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico, or at a beautiful retreat center, or by the beach, in luxury. Your choice.
Enjoy tapping into your relaxed core and truth.
It’s why you are here.
Inner Wisdom programs are guaranteed to work. This means that when you show up to each session, and engage in your own life, as you state you will between sessions, you will find 100% satisfaction, guaranteed or your money back.
Payments are received in advance of work for SPLASH, THE JUICE, BE BRIGHT NOW, promotional programs and single sessions.
SPLASH: $2200
THE JUICE: $2500
LIVING HIGH: $40,000
SERVICE: $100,000
Individual sessions are $200/hour or $400 for any sessions that go over 2 hours. (Sometimes we work for three hours.)
Personalized Hypnosis and Guided Meditation recordings are $250 each.
Subliminal recordings are $150 each.
Partial scholarships are sometimes available thanks to generous grants. You can support this work for healers, visionaries, teachers, artists, and people committed to service who are experiencing limited funds by sending gifts/scholarship funds via PayPal to: innerwisdomessence@gmail.com
Find Your Gift.
Thank you!
If you know ~
~ that you are a creative person and you would like support in finding, clarifying, trusting, empowering, enjoying and celebrating your true shining self, from your soul on out, please contact Luz Elena (pronounced Lu Selaina) for a free exploratory conversation. luzelenamorey@gmail.com