Professional Development For Teachers, Healers and Leaders
These workshops and intensives are tailored to meet the needs of special groups and sometimes offered independently. Please contact for more information about upcoming offerings or to schedule something for your group.
Below are some of the topics available to participants. Training privately tailored for each group.
Participants learn the basics of relatively fast, simple and effective trauma-symptom release methods that literally taps into the body's energy system to release harmful mental, emotional, physical and behavioral patterns for good. It is then possible to improve emotional control and feel more peace, clarity, joy and vitality. These methods also reduce stress and anxiety by lowering the Heart Rate Variability.
The methods taught in this seminar combine well-researched modern technologies, including ones from TFT, EMDR, EFT, TAT, an ancient Hawaiian technique and other advanced meridian tapping techniques, with traditional healing methods, including sound healing, transpersonal drama therapy techniques, and shamanic rhythm use. The therapy combines bi-lateral stimulation, tapping on meridian endpoints, repeated personal and general declarations of resistance and acceptance according to each individual meridian line's energetic quality, tapping on distinct left and right side energy flows with appropriate language, imagery work, non-verbal vocal sound-work, eye movement exercises, a variety of awareness techniques and more.
The attunement and perspective of the practitioner is is of key importance.
Although lay people often come to these seminars and benefit greatly, I love to work with seasoned practitioners, as the efficacy of these practices is enhanced when the facilitator is well-versed in developmental psychology and psychotherapeutic perspectives.
This intensive allows you to access and embody the rich and peaceful wisdom coming through your own body, psyche and emotions. You learn new tools and sharpen old tools for staying bright and centered in your sacred calling. You will experience your gifts more keenly and release blocks to effectiveness and joy! On our journeys into ever greater lightness, we will engage in a variety of ancient and cutting-edge nature-based and spirit-connected therapeutic and expressive arts modalities. This is really FUN, too!!!
So many of our life patterns begin before we are conceived, at conception, and during gestation, birth and early infancy. These experiences impress our energetic templates and form mental, emotional and behavioral patterns that repeat themselves in our daily lives. We will bring light to some of these and release aspects that are not supportive of who we really are. Upon the 'death' of what is no longer vital for us, we discover ourselves, 'reborn' - more free, clear, valuable and full of possibility!
It is possible to retrieve one's throne, so to speak, and victoriously reign with dignity and pleasure after sexual abuse. This special day is designed to both introduce women to recovery and further the journey of those already initiated in this healing process.
Please see the film, below, which is a documentary of the 2012 summer program. Apprentices experience the Gathering in Gratitude process first-hand, work a great deal, and get personal mentoring.
This program introduces the basics of effective transformational group work, focusing on aligning with elemental forces. Strength-affirming personal connections with nature are explored through breath, sound and movement. You will deepen alignment with your personal gifts in ways that release behavioral, mental and emotional patterns that impede clarity, vitality, creativity and professional effectiveness.
For returning participants only, this work takes us deeper into working with natural elements and personal strengths via breath, sound, music, visual arts, creative movement, dramatic arts and the written and spoken word, enhancing personal and professional vitality, creativity and satisfaction.
Dreams offer us the richest source of guidance, leading us to greater awareness and experiences of freedom and stability. In these sessions, we explore our dreams via a variety of expressive formats. Working individually and in group, we hone in on the treasures being revealed.
We are introduced to the very basics of transpersonal and nature-based human development. Through engagement in yoga posture studies, Gabrielle Roth's theories on movement, Dr Penny Lewis' human development model and other nature-based developmental models, we further awaken our journeys through our own human development. Through personal and group work, we shed light on where our development was encouraged and/or challenged. Special attention is given to understanding the developmental stages of the people who we serve in our professional work.
This four-session course will cover some of the basics of offering nature-connected, spirit-honoring and creativity enhancing programs with a variety of populations, including people who are not usually inclined toward these perspectives. Each participant will have the opportunity to lead an activity that supports their edge explorations in these realms.
For participants who have completed Basic Human Development, this experiential study offers ample opportunities to re-pattern and bring clarity and balance to aspects where unconscious or stuck aspects of development have hindered personal and professional satisfaction. Bill Plotkin's nature-based model of human development is introduced. We also explore observations made in the field between sessions, and how human development from an nature-based and transpersonal perspective can inform participants' effectiveness in their work.
We live in a time when women's circles abound. The support we receive from our sisters can be precious: crucially encouraging and life-enhancing. In this program we explore how women working with women can be both supportive and destructive. We look honestly at how women use power, manipulation, betrayal, cliques, gossip, ostracizing, scapegoating and other behaviors toward their sisters. Phyllis Chesler's book, Woman's Inhumanity to Woman, is used. What can we as women leaders do at these times? The great spirit of love, unity, vision and true sisterhood beckons.
Luz Elena Morey is available to create and offer trainings for your particular group at a facility of your choice or at Mahalo Art Center.
“It was a profoundly grounding, expansive and empowering weekend, leaving me with inspiration and new tools to work with.”
“¡Gracias por liberarme de mi problema! ... Con estas técnicas podré superar mi trauma.”
Translation: “Thank you for liberating me from my problem! ... With these techniques I will be able to have victory over my traumas.””
“Luz Elena’s training on tapping supports my work with veterans and their spouses. Often they feel stuck and unable to move beyond their trauma. Tapping provides them with something they CAN do. It also provides a form of self-comforting when confronted with anxiety or panic.”
“I am impressed by Luz Elena’s deep and potent mentoring ... I noticed four obvious and immediate areas of growth directly related to my work with Luz Elena:
1) Greater awareness of internal, visceral sensations, which imbue my verbal expression with deeper truthfulness and sharper clarity, for myself as well as my coworkers, supervisors and partner.
2) More effective art of questioning style facilitation, organic inclusion of breathing techniques with children, and curriculum ideas for my environmental education programs.
3) New spiritual practices that extend into my work space and interactions.
4) Safe and continued recognition and healing of deep patterns and scars that surfaced in the workshop. ”
“My experience at the Elemental Arts Training with Luz Elena and the group was extraordinary ... I now have a wiser, more loving, trusting and intuitive inner leader to unite with my long term teaching skills and tricks for energy raising and focus.”
“I always look forward to the gentle, creative, mindfulness Luz Elena brings to her workshops. I particularly enjoy her combination of sound, art, imagery, spoken word and drama to help build a supportive, empowering, interactive environment. I find myself learning from her facilitation skills/techniques, from helping with others’ work and from insights gained through my own shared personal journey. I find myself forming lifelong personal connections with workshop colleagues which is also a special part of the process.”
“Luz Elena, thank you for your guidance, which brought me back to regaining my deep breathing and acknowledging the importance of my being alive. I now appreciate my self more fully, and belief that I am a creature able to heal my self, with the potential to offer like wise to others. Mahalo.”
“This workshop opened me to joy and connection with spirit. It also deepened my understanding of my spiritual path. ...
A journey through my imaginal realm
In movement and in meditation.
Seeing the landscapes
Meeting guides
Traveling through dreams.
Guided by light
I feel deeper joy and
Connection to spirit.”
“If you enter her realm with a will, a willingness to be open, to be vulnerable, then Luz Elena can lead you, as she did me, on a journey into the very heart of the glowing mountain that is your soul. It will be a wondrous journey to a place where magic still lives, but perilous, too, for there are wounds there that were unknown to you. You must trust her, for she has the power to transform wounds into precious jewels and pain into smiles.”
“I would very much like to offer more training opportunities for staff in the future with Luz Elena at the helm. Her knowledge, experience, and empathic spirit brought staff to a place of greater ease.”
— Mary Bradley, Child Development Manager, Early Education Services
“This was the best workshop. I am so glad I came. It definitely gave me positive energy. I enjoyed it thoroughly.”
— Burlington Parks and Recreation workshop participant
MORE PARTICIPANT COMMENTS (in addition to the ones on the right hand column):
“I learned in such a deep way. Luz Elena so strongly, gently and fully holds her teachings inside of her and gracefully shares them with us. The role-modeling of how to bring wisdom, patience, and true reflection of another into our work was so all encompassing throughout the week. Luz Elena brings so many years of experience in mentoring and being a guide for others, along with study, research, and a strong personal practice, that she is able to teach from so many angles. Because of the safe, solid, and creative space she held for us, by the end of the training, we all felt like family. We went to deep places, funny places, song-ful places, quiet places, dream time places, all of which brought a sense of wonder and new-found sense of connectedness inside of myself. When I returned home, I felt that the base of who I am was stronger, more confident.”
— Sarai Shapiro, Wilderness Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Community Organizer
“Embodied Evolution has been a process of dancing through my own stories and fears so that I can choose more wholeness and joy in my life - however mysterious it may be.”
— Cara Michelle Silverberg, Educator
“Luz Elena inspires me with her wise and beautiful presence that so easily glides into airy, fiery, and flowing states of being, all the while staying grounded and deeply connected. I returned from a week-long teacher training with Luz Elena feeling deeply connected to my own inner wilderness, and empowered as a strong radiant human being. I reconnected with a solid, deep-breath, grounded sort of feeling, a feeling of being deeply connected with the Universe. ... I am unspeakably grateful for all we shared this week and (after the advanced developmental weekend).”
— Jaz Lin Artist, Explorer, Two Coyotes Wilderness School instructor
“Luz Elena’s trainings are powerful, transformational, and an inspiration for creative holistic teaching. ... Luz Elena helped each of us to access a deeper connection to the natural world. She also helped us discover hidden treasures within ourselves, opening a door for enlightening and tangible inner transformations and healing. Afterwards I felt powerfully inspired, cleansed, and radiant from within. After experiencing how powerful the tools that she gives us can be for learning with heart, body, and mind, I am motivated to integrate those nature and art based elements into more of my teaching.”
— Karianna Rosenberg MAT, Multicultural Specialist Storyteller, Dancer, Wilderness Arts instructor