Luz Elena Morey, MA, RDT., (pronounced Lu Se LAY na MOR ee) is a Colombian-born musician, teacher, performer, theatre director and professional trainer.
Luz Elena has been facilitating transformational expressive-arts programs for people of all ages and from many cultures for over 40 years. Her work focuses on helping people embody their inner-wisdom-sourced essence and truth, which is creative, dynamic, expansive and supportive of healthy community evolution.
Masterful in helping people release trauma symptoms, she specializes in supporting leaders who co-create harmonious nature-connected culture which exudes love and beauty for all.
Creator of the Gathering in Gratitude transformational theatre process, Luz Elena is also the co-founder of the Vermont Wilderness School and was founder and director of Mahalo and the Mahalo Art Center nature-based creative education centers (both closed now) in Vermont. For caregivers and teachers of babies and young children, Luz Elena’s free online trainings for supporting developmentally appropriate nature-connected practices are on her YouTube channel: Music and Movement for the Whole Child. In 2020 and for two years, Luz Elena co-created the Heaven on Earth sustainable community experience on an organic farm in Wisconsin. Most recently, Luz Elena has launched her Inner Wisdom Coaching programs, internationally. These high powered programs are guaranteed to help participants meet their goals.
Luz Elena is director and producer of the film, The Source, a documentary about the Gathering in Gratitude process, and several other films.
Her ground-breaking book from 2010, Romantic Attraction and the Longing for Bliss: Love, Lust and the Quest for Wholeness, explores romantic attraction from the perspectives of human development, evolution, spirituality, psychologically, biology and culture. It’s available via Luz Elena.
Luz Elena published a chapter in the innovative book, The Heart and Soul of Psychotherapy (2013), which won a Gold Seal for Literary Excellence.
An article about Luz Elena's life work is featured in the September, 2013 Member Spotlight of "Behind the Scenes," a publication of the North American Drama Therapy Association, and stories of her work have also appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer, and The Commons. In October, 2020, an article about Luz Elena’s life work was published in the Keene’s Sentinel Source.
Luz Elena directed over 6 years of summer camps for young women (adolescents), at Mahalo, and in 2019 she directed a two week camp for teens in the Alps with the Zenith Institute, featuring two theatrical productions created by the participants, all in German. Previously, she worked at the Community High School of Vermont teaching English and Arts with adjudicated youth, and taught Spanish at the Compass School, in Vermont, for 7 - 12th graders.
A lifetime educator, musician and performer, for over 40 years, Luz Elena directed nature-based multicultural expressive arts summer camps for 4 - 12 year olds in Massachusetts, New York state and Vermont. Luz Elena has been working with very young children, including at-risk and Head Start babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers, for over 35 years, in Massachusetts and Vermont. As a trainer and a movement and music specialist, Luz Elena worked In Vermont with Early Education Services and the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center's Head Start Arts Partnership for over 17 years. This work culminated in the creation of her youtube channel, Music and Movement for the Whole Child. In 2010 and 11, Luz Elena worked at The Grades of Green Valley School, a beautiful Waldorf-inspired initiative, teaching Spanish and handwork, and she continues being available to serve young children in the communities where she lives.
For over 35 years, Luz Elena has led teacher, practitioner and participant trainings, including ones for supporting better communication, personal and group creativity, and trauma symptom release in the U.S as well as in Guatemala. Some of the organizations that have hosted Luz Elena’s trainings include at Mayan Families, Instituto Mesoamericano de Permacultura (IMAP), Chance for Change, Bright Beginnings, The Abode of the Message, Early Education Services, The Wounded Knee District School (SD), and the Spiritual Unity of the Tribes Gathering of Eagles (SD).
In the 1980's, in order to support music, creativity and community, Luz Elena created Kookaburra’s Coffeehouse at The Blackbird Kitchen, very specifically and exclusively for the community of Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. Also, in the 1980's, Luz Elena helped found and run a bilingual child care center in a church basement in Jamaica Plain. After working at the Hollow Reed School with young children for many years, and as a pre-school music and movement facilitator and consultant for decades, in Massachusetts and then in Vermont, Luz Elena earned Master Instructor status with the Vermont Northern Lights Career Development Center and has trained hundreds of early childhood providers on how to use multi-cultural expressive arts in their classrooms in order to support curriculum goals and children’s healthy emotional, mental, social, physical and spiritual development while creating an atmosphere of natural peace, vitality and harmony.
Luz Elena Morey, MA, RDT, has a masters degree in Transpersonal Developmental Psychology from Union Institute and University and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Massachusetts College of Art, specializing in Painting with a concentration in Performance Art. She is certified as a Life and Success Coach by Mental Wealth Method (2020) with the “highest level of competence and skill” in the practice of NLP, Hypnosis, TIME Techniques, and EFT. A Registered Drama Therapist (RDT) with NADTA (North American Drama Therapy Association), Luz Elena has over 37 years of experience with transpersonal drama therapy and sound healing, having studied primarily with Saphira Linden, Saruah Benson, Dr. Penny Lewis and Zacciah Blackburn.
She also has decades of ongoing study with a variety of indigenous healers from North and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
Luz Elena’s richly creative, earth-connected, multicultural and multigenerational work supports individual and communal wellness. She specializes in helping people build awareness, clarity, self-esteem, creativity, personal and professional satisfaction, and healthy community.
In person and via the internet, Luz Elena offers individual sessions as well as retreats and empowering intensives for groups.
Clients generally focus on aligning with inner wisdom, clarity, creativity and empowered, effective action. The processes often involve the release of emotional blocks and trauma symptoms.
Luz Elena presents at professional conferences and retreat intensives for leaders, healers and teachers.
More information and testimonials about her powerfully effective, innovative and creative empowerment coaching programs is here.